Key commands rule.
When you don't have to grab the mouse every time you need something, you gain efficiency and reduce frustration. You can execute nearly every Logic Pro function with a key command.
I used to set up lots screen-sets in Logic 8, but have mostly dropped that practice for a single screen set with heavy use of keyboard commands.
Here are a few of the stock key commands in Logic 8 that I use daily;
x - mixer window
p - piano roll window
w - sample editor
b - audio bin
a -automation
v -hide/unhide plugins in current window
s - solo
m - mute
cursor tools: esc+"number"
1 - pointerI'm not going type out and regurgitate what these key commands do; my best advise would be to just try the commands listed on a empty project and see what open/closes .
2 - pencil
3 - eraser
4 - text tool
5 - scissors
6 - glue
7 - solo
8 - mute
9 - zoom
0 - cross fade
There are many more commands than what I have listed, but these should get you started using key commands, enough to spark your interest to delve deeper and possibly saving your mouse hand a bit of stress while improving your work flow.
Would you be speaking about the lime which is placed in the coconut just before both are drunk all up? That lime?